Design and Create Your World

If you want the duvet cover pattern

As soon as the pattern is available it will be announced right here on the web site. This page will be replaced with the details of how you can order the pattern pack.

I will also be announcing it on the Colour It You Facebook page and on Twitter.

And I’ll be uploading a new video to the CIY YouTube Channel of me demonstrating the use of the cover.

No slick sales techniques

Please be rest assured that I will not be claiming that the pattern pack is being sold at a huge discount from the ‘normal’ rate that is never to be seen!

I hate that kind of thing and I want your trust.
Once I’ve decided the fair price that I want to charge for the pattern and the 4 long zips you’ll need to complete it, that is all that you will see.

You will also see a price for a set of 4 extra zips. This is so that you can order spares or order the zips needed to make a second cover.

So if you’d like to be among the first to know about the CIY duvet cover pattern pack release …

You can subscribe to the
Colour It You YouTube Channel

You can follow me on the
Colour It You Facebook Page

You can follow me on the
Colour It You Twitter Feed

Please note:
This is my own design and you may not share it with others whether for profit or not for profit

However, I do beleive in sharing as I am very appreciative of all those who have offered their work to me at no cost.

So if you are an experienced sewer and can work out your own method to make up the cover, from the information here and from my videos, you can order the zips from me without needing to order the pattern.

But please be aware that in this situation, you will be responsible for making the design work and no support will be available to you.